Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tough Times

So it's been an interesting few days. I've had my first class and my first full day of my internship. I feel better about them, but I'm still nervous. 

I did have a stressful day yesterday, but it was unrelated to work or classes. I managed to lose my cell phone. Yea me! I've never lost my phone before and I come to D.C. and lose it on a bus. As of yesterday afternoon they hadn't found it yet. I did manage to suspend the service though, in case someone found it and decided not to turn it in, but even that was an ordeal.

I called to cancel it and had to give my pin code, which I didn't know. So they asked me a security question. That, I also got wrong. So they told me go to a Sprint store. Do I know where a Sprint store is in D.C.? (In case you don't know the answer to that is, "No.") I found them online and then managed to make it there. 

I got there after they closed, but the guy was nice enough to let me in anyway. And he helped me suspend my phone. The one cool thing that came out of this so far is that I climbed the stairs that were featured in The Exorcist on my way back. I didn't know that's what they were till someone told me when I reached to top. It was A LOT of stairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathan,

A lot of stairs? Ever consider going back again and counting them so when your aunt asks you how many, you will have an answer? Ha!
Sorry about the added stress!! Sounds like you handled it well.

