Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Orientation Has Begun!

Well orientation has officially begun. I guess it kinda started yesterday with everyone in the international studies program taking over the library to write our papers. Why do we procrastinate so? Oh,well, we got it done and that's what is important.

Today was the first day of actual orientation sessions. It was actually pretty boring, just a lot of "house keeping" stuff as Dr. Fletcher, our sponsor from OC, put it. Tomorrow we should get into more interesting stuff.

We did meet the rest of our group today. We had already met the guys from Cascade College but we met everyone from Rochester College today for the first time. I think we will all get along very well, at least from what I can tell from my limited experience. I should have a picture of the group on Thursday. And also some more mission's information in the next few days.

I plan to try and update at least once a week if not more. So look for more to come, but that's it for now.