Thursday, June 12, 2008


There's so much to say; everything is so incredible here. I met New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today. Actually I just shook his hand, but it was still cool. Though I did get to hear him talk in a very small news briefing with the National Journal writers. 

I also got to listen to two economic reporters from Newsweek at breakfast in their D.C. office. It's right down the street from the capital. We went out on their balcony (of sorts) and you can see it and the Washington monument. Also one of the guys pointed out where the Pentagon was from there.

In other news, I'm going to get a new phone tomorrow. Maybe I won't lose this one; I hope.

Also I realized something about my daily commute yesterday; I take the metro toward Vienna everyday on my way home. Granted, it's Vienna, Virginia, but I still thought it was worth mentioning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathan,

It will be good to have communications open again with a new phone! Yes, heading home to Vienna is worth mentioning.

